I have a game that is my own creation but that I have taken inspirations from other forum games. It is about that the first person posts a superpower they think are easy to beat with another ability. Then the next person post another power that they think can beat the previous power and then it continues this way. In the first post they have to include the number 1 and the superpower, the next person writes the number 2 and the superpower he/she chooses and so on. This is just so we know how long it takes before we come up with an ability no one can beat. Then that post number will be the record, and the counting will start over from 1 again. I will be the judges when it comes to powers that are hard to guess if it beats the other or not. If you can want you can tell why you think it beats the other power, and the previous poster can if they want say why they think it won´t beat. Just if you want to make more interresting, that is! Any Question? I will start:
1. Clairvoyance (Try to beat that! )
1. Clairvoyance (Try to beat that! )