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    New Timeline RP Thread

    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Fri 12 Nov 2010 - 23:09

    Soon she was grinning uncontrollably, all earlier grief and guilt and regret vanished. Her arms were tight around him, pulling him closer across her body as she kissed him back fiercely. Dimly she amazed at the fact that her realisation hadn't come earlier.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Fri 12 Nov 2010 - 23:36

    Wayward Daughter wrote:(What are you crying over now?)

    I misread it, sorry. Laughing Thought that was her wishing that he would..
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Fri 12 Nov 2010 - 23:38

    ( lol! )

    Elan waited for Danny to return home, hint hint Wink
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Fri 12 Nov 2010 - 23:44

    Danny went home, early, today, eager to see Elan. Spinning some bullshit to George, he bailed early, and walked home, hurriedly, excited to see her again.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Fri 12 Nov 2010 - 23:51

    Hours had passed, but she hadn't moved from where she was half-sitting, half-lying curled up on the sofa. She didn't look up hearing the key in the door.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 0:17

    Flicking the lights on, as he entered, Danny saw the shoulder on the couch, moving instantly, unsure who it was. The second he was close enough to recognise Elan, he releaxed.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 0:21

    She raised her head as she did that, trying to smile, but failing. The lights shimmered on the dried tear tracks on her cheeks.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 0:51

    He moved, instantly, to wrap his arms around her, asking immediatly what was wrong, the sight of her in tears hurting him.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 0:54

    The second he approached her, she shook her head, pushing him away telekinetically. She couldn't risk letting anyone touch her.

    I... I killed... I killed him, she whispered brokenly, more tears spilling at her confession.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 1:05

    What? he demanded, slowly, disbelieving. Elan couldn't hurt anyone.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 10:57

    Mark... I killed him... she whispered hoarsely, guilt filling her face and her thoughts.
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 23:48

    Meanwhile, James had just finished the last of the day's business conferences. Rubbing his temples tiredly - and trying to pretend that none of the tension headache came from his strange new memories, or the blurred veils he'd see around himself now - he collapsed into a chair in the hotel room. He noticed that the red light was blinking on his cell, and pressed the button to replay the message.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 13 Nov 2010 - 23:55

    He frowned as he recognised the voice of his ex-wife, Jo Herriford. Or Jo Allson, as she'd be now. He'd almost forgotten that that'd have gone through by now. Crossing over, he called back to find out what the hell she was contacting him for.

    Hello? James?

    Yeah, it's me. What's wrong, Jo?

    Your sons.... I think there's something wrong with them
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 0:17

    What's happened? he asked, his tone sharpening. He heard her sigh.

    Nothing.... not really..... they're just acting weird...

    What sort of weird? he asked, suspicions already forming. Were they..... like him?

    I don't know..... I tried asking what was going on, but they both just clammed up..... I hoped you'd be able to get through to them
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 10:29

    You.. You killed Mark? he repeated, slowly, still holding her closely. How? How could she have killed Mark? Elan would never..
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 10:57

    She nodded tensely, rising a hand to wipe her eyes.

    I was just trying to help..... but I'd just touched him, and then....

    In case you hadn't noticed, Elan had formed a habit of holding herself responsible for someone's death in every case where she took a power.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 18:30

    Wayward Daughter wrote:What's happened? he asked, his tone sharpening. He heard her sigh.

    Nothing.... not really..... they're just acting weird...

    What sort of weird? he asked, suspicions already forming. Were they..... like him?

    I don't know..... I tried asking what was going on, but they both just clammed up..... I hoped you'd be able to get through to them

    James sighed.

    I'll talk to them, he replied. As soon as I get home from this business trip.

    Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that. When does it end?


    They arranged things, said goodbye and then he hung up.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 22:50

    Wayward Daughter wrote:She nodded tensely, rising a hand to wipe her eyes.

    I was just trying to help..... but I'd just touched him, and then....

    In case you hadn't noticed, Elan had formed a habit of holding herself responsible for someone's death in every case where she took a power.

    (I had Razz)

    And then.. you took his power? guessed Danny, holding her closer.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 14 Nov 2010 - 22:53

    She nodded tensely, the tears still flowing. She'd have pushed him away, knowing that she didn't deserve this comfort, except for the fact that she also knew he wouldn't accept that.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 16:47

    Danny didn't know what to say. She hadn't killed him, she couldn't blame her power for that. She didn't deserve this blame, but he knew that there was nothing he could do that would convince her it wasn't her fault. His eyes closed, as he gently kissed her forehead, before tucking a wild strand of hair between her ear, and out of her eye.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 16:48

    As George was about to head home, Boston caught him by the arm, and laughed

    Going home, already, pussy? he teased, a wild grin on his face, as per usual.

    You got something better for me to do? asked George, the grin playing on his own lips.
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 16:58

    As George was about to head home, Boston caught him by the arm, and laughed

    Going home, already, pussy? he teased, a wild grin on his face, as per usual.

    You got something better for me to do? asked George, the grin playing on his own lips.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 17:00

    Pippy McAwesome wrote:Danny didn't know what to say. She hadn't killed him, she couldn't blame her power for that. She didn't deserve this blame, but he knew that there was nothing he could do that would convince her it wasn't her fault. His eyes closed, as he gently kissed her forehead, before tucking a wild strand of hair between her ear, and out of her eye.

    Elan sighed, catching that in his thoughts. He didn't understand. It was her fault..... somehow. It just made it more real, made it certain. He wouldn't die if she didn't confirm it.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 17:25

    He held her closely, never wanting to let go. 'To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.' A promise he was yet to make, but one he meant, already.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 15 Nov 2010 - 17:29

    We've already made it. Kind of.

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