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    New Timeline RP Thread

    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 0:07

    My fingers were still on the crate's metal, no different from any of the others from the exterior. I could still feel its cold hardness, but I wasn't seeing the shipping yard anymore. My ability had activated, and it'd drawn me into the crate's recent history. And what a history.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 15:05

    Even after the absorbed vision had faded, I continued to stare outwards without seeing for a moment, too shocked. How strange.... I hadn't understood the half of what I'd seen. It had seemed crazy, but then, life was crazy. It took me about a second to decide what to do, another to access the ability and give myself enough strength, and another to tear the crate open. I didn't have to think about enhancing my vision, mimicking an owl automatically to see through the gloom. The man I'd seen was still there, unconscious and chained to the container's wall.
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Superheroesfanatic-IR Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 21:08

    anyone wana meet?
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 21:17

    (K, but my mainest characters are busy shrug )
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 22:58

    Picking Rhi up, Elan raced the 2 of them back home to Bath, England. She paused outside her adoptive parents' home. All her guesses for their reaction were flashing through her mind again, and despite what she'd said to Danny earlier, she didn't really want to have to telepath them into accepting her engagement. She wanted them to be happy for her. Forcing down her trepidation, she raised a hand to ring the doorbell.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 23:44

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Mon 3 Jan 2011 - 23:46

    Elan? What are you doing here? You should have called to say you were coming! her mother gushed, hugging her before she could enter. She laughed shortly, hugging her back.

    It's great to see you too, Mum, and Dad too. But can we come in? I've got something - a lot, really - to tell you.


    Yes...... this is my daughter, Rhi.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Tue 4 Jan 2011 - 16:50

    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Tue 4 Jan 2011 - 16:55

    Predictably, their faces were shocked and disbelieving when they saw the 3 year old.

    Elan, she's too old....

    Elan shook her head.

    She isn't - there's a lot I have to tell you.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 11:34

    It started a few weeks before I left home, she began. Before I left for America. I hadn't told you the real reason I wanted go. I said I just needed a break..... but in truth I was freaking out because I could hear thoughts.

    Elan, that's impossible....

    She smiled.

    No, it's not. And your first thought was that I'm crazy, but I'm not. Test it, if you like
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 14:43

    It didn't take her long to convince her parents of her telepathy, and after that she showed others, moving chairs telekinetically and creating a sphere of electricity in her hands. She didn't display the ones she'd gained from Mark or Reist though. The guilt was too much for her to do so, and the reminder that Reist's had before been Dann's.

    That's....... well, unbelieveable, Elan, her mother commented weakly. But it doesn't explain your daughter...

    Her name's Rhiannon, Rhi for short, Elan smiled. And in a way, the abilities do. If you factor time travel into the equation
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 17:04

    Time travel? she gasped, her eyes wide, while Mr. Greene was still too stunned to speak.

    Yeah, it's possible, she laughed. Rhi would have been born in about 2 years' time - but in another timeline. One none of us would ever want to see.

    She broke off then, involuntarily shuddering. Her parents waited for her to explain, but when she continued, she'd changed her approach.

    Anyway, we eventually worked out a way to travel back in time, and prevent everything from happening. But that would have killed Rhi too - unless we brought her with us.
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 17:44

    So she's your daughter from the future?

    Elan nodded, smiling.

    And your granddaughter from the future, she added, as Rhi ran over to her gran, beginning to be picked up. Mrs. Greene did so, smiling, enchanted by the girl.

    That running.... she's like you? I guess it makes sense.

    She has abilities like me, yeah. Like her father, too.
    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 20:21

    Who is he - her father?

    Again, Elan smiled involuntarily.

    His name's Danny Maxxted. I met him in the future, I was with him for 4 years there before we altered time. We were married. That's really why I've come here.... I met him again, in this timeline. And we're engaged.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 20:56

    You're getting married? her mother echoed. Elan nodded, and awaited the explosion.

    Wow.... congratulations, I guess...[/color]

    You're not going to try to convince me that it's too soon? she asked, shocked.

    No.... you've known him for 4 years, you said. That's longer than we were before getting married.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 21:29

    Wayward Daughter wrote:Even after the absorbed vision had faded, I continued to stare outwards without seeing for a moment, too shocked. How strange.... I hadn't understood the half of what I'd seen. It had seemed crazy, but then, life was crazy. It took me about a second to decide what to do, another to access the ability and give myself enough strength, and another to tear the crate open. I didn't have to think about enhancing my vision, mimicking an owl automatically to see through the gloom. The man I'd seen was still there, unconscious and chained to the container's wall.

    I approached him cautiously, freezing every time he seemed to stir, but he never awakened. Reaching him, I touched the chain, and accessed my strength again to snap it. It fell apart in my hands. The movement broke through to him, and I hastily stepped backwards as his eyes snapped open. A blue arc of electricity flew from his other hand, but I'd absorbed it before I'd even reacted.
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 23:12

    I took another step back, raising my hands placatingly to show I wasn't a threat.

    Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, I reassured. I'm trying to help you. What's your name?

    I.... I don't know...
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Wed 5 Jan 2011 - 23:33

    Very Happy
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 8:25

    How can you not know? I asked, confused. From his expression, he seemed to be experiencing the same confusion.

    Maybe I can help, I offered, remembering how sometimes I'd been able to absorb histories from people, too. However, when I touched him, I didn't get a thing. No memories at all.
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Superheroesfanatic-IR Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 17:39

    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 17:42

    (Elan's told her adoptive family the truth about her abilities, her daughter and her fiance. Teagan's just found out that Peter has no memories)

    How?! I asked, shocked, speaking more to myself. I'd never found something like this, not ever. Not no memories at all. Remembering what I'd seen of his past - recent anyway, from the container's metal - I wondered if any of that could have caused it. The man he'd been fighting had seemed to be some blocker. Could he block memories too?
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Superheroesfanatic-IR Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 17:47

    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 17:53

    (totally fake shock Laughing )
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    Post by Superheroesfanatic-IR Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 17:54

    (why doesnt peter have no memories?)
    Wayward Daughter
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 22 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 18:34

    (cause of Rene Rolling Eyes )

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