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    New Timeline RP Thread

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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Superheroesfanatic-IR Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 18:42

    I was trying to decide what to do- career wise. I knew I needed to do something, something that I enjoyed yet had the thrill and excitement that I always wanted.
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 18:46

    After being congratulated over and over, Elan ran back to NY. She began to decide looking for houses, wondering briefly if the one they'd had in the other timeline would still be built.
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Thu 6 Jan 2011 - 23:28

    Wayward Daughter wrote:(Elan's told her adoptive family the truth about her abilities, her daughter and her fiance. Teagan's just found out that Peter has no memories)

    How?! I asked, shocked, speaking more to myself. I'd never found something like this, not ever. Not no memories at all. Remembering what I'd seen of his past - recent anyway, from the container's metal - I wondered if any of that could have caused it. The man he'd been fighting had seemed to be some blocker. Could he block memories too?

    I shook my head, dispelling that thought, as I realised how little knowing it would help. It wouldn't return his memories. He didn't even know his own name..... he was even more lost that I was.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Fri 7 Jan 2011 - 23:43

    Sad He's more lost than you are - sleeping with him will make you feel better about yourself Nod Wink

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Fri 7 Jan 2011 - 23:47

    How did you end up here? I asked, wondering if he'd know that, even though I suspected he wouldn't. I hadn't seen any memories from him, after all. As I'd suspected, he shook his head.

    I don't know... he answered again, the confusion and worry in his tone growing.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sat 8 Jan 2011 - 0:02

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 8 Jan 2011 - 0:05

    (Whatever happened to Pippy finding Gabes on New Year?)
    Mrs P Sylar
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sat 8 Jan 2011 - 0:29

    (Shit, and Danny needs to tell everyone that they're superheroes, and I'm way behind with George's SL Neutral)
    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sat 8 Jan 2011 - 0:33

    (Then get on with it Razz )

    I'm sorry, I whispered, guilt striking me as I saw that worry. I should have known not to ask.

    No.... you wouldn't have known...

    I shook my head.

    I did, though.


    I smiled twistedly.

    The same way that lightning didn't touch me. I can absorb things.
    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 11:12

    Absorb things? How?

    I shrugged.

    I don't know, it just happens. I can take a sort of history from an object, too - that's how I found you in here. The container showed me.
    Mrs P Sylar
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 11:49


    When Danny went to work, the next day, he wasn't surprised to see Boston missing - him being on time would never happen. But George, on the other hand, was rarely late. Seconds after Danny got in, George arrived behind him, unsmiling. They went to work, both waiting for Boston - he couldn't be missing, when either of them told. Eventually, Boston rolled in, the loud boom from his speakers audible before he even stopped the car. When he got in, Boston sat down in an empty booth, acting like he had just run a marathon.

    Hey, guys, there's something I need to tell you, said Danny, the second Boston greeted them.

    I'm pretty sure my thing is bigger, but go ahead, said George, smiling slightly, now.
    Wayward Daughter
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    New Timeline RP Thread - Page 23 Empty Re: New Timeline RP Thread

    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 11:52

    ( Smile )
    Mrs P Sylar
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 11:57

    Well.. guys.. please don't freak out, he said, already knowing they were going to. But you've got superpowers.

    The expressions on the faces around the room ranged from laughter, at what he had just said to a 'Are we sure he's sane?' expression. The only one that didn't fit into either of those caterogies was Boston's.. his was still shocked, but lightly so.. more.. 'Him too?'

    Look, I know you don't believe me.. but look. Everyone seemed to move closer, as he pulled out his phone. He didn't even press any of the buttons, but suddenly, the ovens started burning, the cash machines opened, and the computer started beeping.

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:01

    Moving away a little, I pressed my hand against the container, my vision blurring again as the same scene played across my eyes again.


    The man nodded, placing his hand on the wall too.

    I saw...

    You saw the same thing? I asked, amazed. I'd never met any who could do the same before, I'd never thought I would. Wow, what a coincidence...
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:10

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:13

    I wondered then if the visions had returned some of his memories, at least of the last few moments he'd lost. Subtly I drifted my hand against his in an "accidental" brush, testing it. But there were still no new memories.
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:40

    Wayward Daughter
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:49

    However, I'd found my hand trembling as I'd touched him, and I moved away as soon as I could. Luckily the light was too poor in here for him to notice my faint blush. I chastised myself angrily, reminding myself that I hadn't come over here to find some guy. I wasn't even supposed to be here - I was supposed to be searching for my brother.
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 12:57

    cute, rose Sad
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 13:00

    I knew that - but I couldn't bring myself to just leave. Maybe it was my curiosity, wanting to get to the bottom of the mystery this man represented. Maybe it was how lost he seemed, and how I was seeing myself in him, in his position.
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 14:36

    Danny.. what the hell? asked Gracie, eventually, breaking the silence.

    It's.. a power.. I can talk to machines, and draw the future.. I dream the future - I dreamed all of this.. that's how I know you will, Gracie, and you're going to get some powers, Tara.. Boston and Mish already have theirs, whether you guys know it, or not..

    George looked up when he didn't hear his name. Not me? His tone wasn't.. disappointed, as such, more.. curious. Why everyone else? Why not him?

    I haven't seen you get any, George.. but.. we can ask Elan.. She.. Her and I are more complicated. No one interruped, so he continued We.. this isn't the first time I lived this year.. these years. I know how it sounds, but.. there was a bomb, a huge bomb, in the middle of New York, and it wiped out half the city.. you guys.. you all.. died.. except me - I lived, I got lucky, I manifested my second power - I could heal, I saved my own life. And then.. and then I met Elan - we got engaged, and then.. we had Rhi. Our daughter.. We got married, a few years after that, and then.. her brother found a way to stop it - to change it all back. So we stopped it, we changed it all back.. and.. that's why Rhi's so old, and that's why Elan and I are already engaged, even though you guys only think we've only known each other a few months.. and.. now I'm just waiting to be called insane.
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 14:41

    XD XD XD
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 14:54


    Boston was the first to react, shrugging. I always knew you were insane.

    Danny smirked, and so did Tara and Gracie. He's right.. agreed Gracie.

    Can you.. tell me what we do? asked Misha, curiously, fear evident in her eyes, but you could see she was trying not to freak out.

    I think you did just top my news, protested George, standing up, and man-hugging Danny.
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    Post by Wayward Daughter Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 14:59

    ( Nod Superpowers trumps a kid Very Happy )
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    Post by Mrs P Sylar Sun 9 Jan 2011 - 15:13


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